Growth Mindset

CBeebies - Help your child try new things

Sesame Street - The power of yet

Growth Mindset for parents - a set of videos, information and questions for parents/carers to test their own mindset and ideas to help foster a growth mindset in children.

The Learning Brain - how diet can help with a growth mindset.

English Resources

Comprehension Questions. 

Allwo your child to read thier book to build up fluency and help them to work on thier storytellers voice. 

Ask them a couple of questions at the end to check their understanding. 


Key Terminology

Kinetic letters

We follow the Kinetic Letters scheme of handwriting in school. IT is a 4 strand approach to teaching handwriting. The four strands that your children will learn in each lesson are

  1. Making bodies stronger
  2. Learning the letters
  3. Holding the pencil
  4. Flow and fluency

For more information you can look at the Kinetic Letters website here. 

New to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1. 

Please look on the curriculum overview page for more information about what your child will be covering each term and how you can support at home. Please also check the Squirrels and Badgers class pages for updated information.

There are some useful guides below for you to look at. 

If you are unsure of anything please contact a member of the Year 1 team.